By doesntkissalot - 28/08/2010 16:19 - United States

Today, I was watching TV when a Dentyne gum commercial came on and stated that the average person spends more than 20,000 minutes kissing. I've spent less than three. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 336
You deserved it 6 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luigisf 0

10-that is right about...a *****. you're too young.


that's because your 13. stop acting like you matter at 13.

yea I doubt that's even true. They just want u to buy their gum. Probs trying to make u think u will spend more time kissing if u buy their gum ;P

hahahaha I've spent longer kissing than u and I'm 13 bitches!!!!!!!

hawty12345 0

148; wow ur a loser bragging about that. it's pathetic anyway I've had oral sex and I'm 12! beat dat xP

150, oral sex at 12? your pathetic. I'm sorry. nothing to brag about. sorry Hun, nobodies impressed.

UpYoursInAdvance 0

150 I swear if you're serious then you might as well stop by my way cause I know some people that'll take advantage of girls like you.

Can someone say SLUUUUUT!!??!?!!? Damn 150! I'm 13 and I've never had a real relationship!! That is NOT something to be proud of... >:(

yea u should at least wait until ur 15 like meee

Schizomaniac 24

195, I think Freeze really wants you dead.

I was joking, gosh!!! and I know lol Shitzomatic he really Hayes me and idk why

dont worry, you have plenty of time to catch up on those minutes :P and thats the "average" person, who wants to be average? just be yourself (:

I'm 17 and I've spent 0 mins. The opportunity has come up several times but I was never intereted in the guys. It doesn't bother me. :)

how old are u?!!!?? if you've only spent three min kissing?!? O.O

UpYoursInAdvance 0

OKay???.... And why did this get published?!?!?!???

DontHateMeBecaus 0

wow sadly me too but I'm 13 so I have all my life.