By icanthearyou - 04/04/2013 23:55 - United States - Rock Island

Today, I was working at a daycare. There was a 6-year-old boy pretending to be my doctor, holding a little, plastic thermometer. He then, without warning, quickly shoved it deep into my ear. The last thing I heard was his giggle. I think I'm deaf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 079
You deserved it 4 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to call the parents. Now, if only you could hear them...


You see, this is why children scare me...

Obviously the child was just giving you a reason to go back to him as your general practitioner! ;)

I think a perforated ear drum could make you deaf ( hopefully usually temporarily). Go see a doctor. And teach the kid about ears and safety! Good opportunity.

I bet the scream she made when it happened was deafening, that deafinitely sucks though...

A perforated ear drum won't make you deaf. It causes a temporary conductive loss, potentially a mild permanent loss. Your ear drum should repair itself quickly but scar tissue is what will cause a loss. A trip to the Dr. wouldn't hurt.

The ear drum cannot repair itself, once the tympanic membrane(ear drum) is punctured it's punctured for good. You won't go entirely deaf depending on how much of it is still intact because it will still vibrate whatever is left. There will of course be loss during the transduction between acoustic energy and the vibration of the ear drum.

The ear drum is generally easy to fix. In most cases, the surgery to patch a perforation isn't worthwhile. However, skin can grow around the hole since the ear drum can't repair itself, making the condition even worse, not to mention harder to repair. Most perforations don't result in deafness, but mine did.

A perforated ear drum actually.can repair itself depending on the size of the hole. Also, the size of the hole generally correlates to the amount of potential hearing loss and even permanent "ringing in the ear." Seek medical attention to determine if repair is needed. Good luck to you, I hope you get better.

Nah you're not deaf. If your eardrum actually tore you'd be in too much pain to write an FML.

I killed my eardrum about 10 years ago. I was fine. Was just scared because it was bleeding.

Kids can be deadly fast. I feel for you, OP, and hope there's no permanent damage.

Deaf in only one ear, you can still hear

well... maybe you should visit a doctor before posting that you are deaf.

AllThingsBright_ 11

How long did it take to dislodge it from your ear? Not only can too not hear correctly but that sounds really painful.