By icanthearyou - 04/04/2013 23:55 - United States - Rock Island

Today, I was working at a daycare. There was a 6-year-old boy pretending to be my doctor, holding a little, plastic thermometer. He then, without warning, quickly shoved it deep into my ear. The last thing I heard was his giggle. I think I'm deaf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 094
You deserved it 4 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to call the parents. Now, if only you could hear them...


You think you are deaf? Well, can you hear out of that ear? Go to a doctor and make sure there is no damage.

And you thought it would be better to write about it before getting it checked?

Ok then so instead of going and seeing if you ARE deaf you decide to post this...

Be happy he didn't think it was a rectal thermometer.

mustang19898 16

I feel your pain. I work with kids at a preschool too

So we just don't give kids such toys I say.

i feel for you, im not in that situation, and im not deaf, but i do know what being deaf feels like. i have a condition here about three times a day i get a ringing in my ear and i am deaf for about ten seconds, it is very annoying and i know what ear pain feels like, so i feel very much for you.

I guess he is used to having his mom taking his temperature by his ear...

So this 6 year old kid was playing doctor... Me: oh ok I know where this is headed - and he shoved the thermometer up my ear... Me: plot twist