By icanthearyou - 04/04/2013 23:55 - United States - Rock Island

Today, I was working at a daycare. There was a 6-year-old boy pretending to be my doctor, holding a little, plastic thermometer. He then, without warning, quickly shoved it deep into my ear. The last thing I heard was his giggle. I think I'm deaf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 094
You deserved it 4 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to call the parents. Now, if only you could hear them...


A six year old should know better than that

perdix 29

Why would you let a kid play doctor on you? They don't carry malpractice insurance! I hope you learned your lesson before some kid wants to play gynecologist with you.

Get yourself checked out! That isn't good.

death943 10

interesting66, you should be checked out for your condition

Could have been worse, you could have suddenly found yourself in stirrups and little Johnny with his plastic speculum standing there. The last thing you hear is the echo of his giggling...

Go to an urgent care and have them check out your ear. I tore my eardrum last year and it was awful. They had to do a wonky surgery to patch it up again.

Perhaps playing the piano badly in a hotel lobby will cheer you up?

homiwan 13

just be thankful, that he didn't choose your rectum!

skyeyez9 24

This is why I could never be a daycare worker. Kids these days in general are terrible.

Jacksparrow72 21

Was your ear eardrum ruptured?

No, it was the nose eardrum...much more painful.

After going deaf in my left ear, I bawled like a baby after the surgery healed. It was the first time in three years I could hear from that ear. I'll never forget it, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. Despite the inconvenience it caused, I wouldn't appreciate my hearing without that experience. I hope you get it fixed and don't view this as a curse when all is said and done.