By Anonymous - 05/08/2011 23:51 - Canada

Today, I was working at the hospital front desk when an elderly man started hurling racial slurs at another visitor. A fight broke out, so I stepped in and forcibly separated the two. The old man tripped and crashed to the floor. Now I'm under investigation for "contributing to workplace violence." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 380
You deserved it 2 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SageAnonymous 6

Don't lie. You were the one shouting 'fight, fight' as they hobbled to one another.

He got what he deserved. :) no more racist man


sxe_beast 11

Are there video cameras? There should be... I think you'll be fine. GL.

perdix 29

Dumb ****! Why are you stopping the fight? You should have whipped out your phone and videoed the scene and posted it on YouTube. I'm sure some people would root for the old bigot and others would hope he gets his ass kicked. You ruined the fun.

You do know the one that videotapes the fight also gets in trouble..?

Well...technically you did contribute to the violence :) lol his instability screwed you over

Squirrelx 5

Would of enjoyed to see that one on YouTube...

If you would have let them duke it out, you would have been reprimanded for not stepping in... So you're damned either way. Sad.

Good job! you know how to keep them old folks behaved! :D

Cereal_Is_Good 5

Those phrases are actually pretty offensive. Watch your mouth.

iSitt 0

I'm a rock sandwich you insensitive clod!

jessesgirl14 16

Your post makes no sense! Talk right so everyone can understand how dumb you are