By Anonymous - 05/08/2011 23:51 - Canada

Today, I was working at the hospital front desk when an elderly man started hurling racial slurs at another visitor. A fight broke out, so I stepped in and forcibly separated the two. The old man tripped and crashed to the floor. Now I'm under investigation for "contributing to workplace violence." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 380
You deserved it 2 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SageAnonymous 6

Don't lie. You were the one shouting 'fight, fight' as they hobbled to one another.

He got what he deserved. :) no more racist man


Jennyboo5797 4

Whoa the exact same thing happened to the hospital my mom works at! But he started making racial slurs after he was making whipping sounds with his cane and saying he wished he had a gun... .___.

Next time just find a tv and turn on Matlock or something (whatever show old folks like).

SageAnonymous 6
omgcookeys 15

Butter penguin noob stone chair table? Puppet food moo rice fan chicken! ^.^

sexxme 9

That's what happens when you try to do the right thing now a days. The world's so ****** up.

I think the other guy was the one from the fml a few days ago that started the fight

SageAnonymous 6

Nah, that guys just high. He probably doesn't even know what the FML said.

Bro that's not your job, you gotta let security do their job. I think it's like that anywhere.

crystalrain17 14

You should break up a fight because it's the right thing to do whether you work there or not (to help out the person who had slurs hurled at them), not just because it's your job.

futbol4eva 0

How ridiculous America has become...

futbol4eva 0

How ridiculous America has become...