By Anonymous - 05/08/2011 23:51 - Canada

Today, I was working at the hospital front desk when an elderly man started hurling racial slurs at another visitor. A fight broke out, so I stepped in and forcibly separated the two. The old man tripped and crashed to the floor. Now I'm under investigation for "contributing to workplace violence." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 380
You deserved it 2 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SageAnonymous 6

Don't lie. You were the one shouting 'fight, fight' as they hobbled to one another.

He got what he deserved. :) no more racist man


Disagree, 51. As someone who works in a hospital, your job is to follow policy. I can guarantee you there's a disruptive patient/visitor policy & maybe even an emergency code. You follow that, which says that you let people who are trained to handle that situation do their job (mainly security).

animerose08 6

You should have known when you did your orientation that you're not suppose to intervene and you call security to break it up. I hope you don't get into too much trouble, but sorry dude, YDI :/

Seeing as how you work in a hospital, at least you're getting more business!

Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget it's not 1950 :/

one of the problems of living in america- ur all out to sue eachother!

Well, at least the guy that was getting yelled at probably considers you a hero.

BlakeMartini 0

I wouldn't have gotten involved I need my job lol

morganlee 7

Go easy on her, think of her like your grandmother. How would you want someone to treat your gran?

Unless you're in immediate danger, the safest bet is to let the rent-a-cops earn their donuts. You had no way of knowing if one of them had a knife, gun, or other weapon. It sounds cruel, but you have to look out for number one, because otherwise you could wind up deep in number two,