By amburrr - 03/08/2009 00:59 - United States

Today, I was working in my store. Right around closing, a lady came in to try some things on. I went to the back and when I came out, she was standing in the middle of the room with fluid coming from between her legs. I asked her if she was going into labor. She wasn't. She was peeing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 889
You deserved it 2 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... what do you say after that? Was she retarded? And I mean that seriously.


You're probably going to appear in some kind of porno

dany_luvs_music 0

well, atleast you dont have ppl finger painting with their own shit on the bathroom walls.

G_tastic 0

wow fyl if you work at a place where that happens.....fingerpainting in their own crap....peeing on floors wtf people need to stay off drugs

turtlellama 0

#15 was making a reference to an old FML.

i actually wasnt. its happens a lot in fast food. i have no idea what pocesses ppl to do it

It's a type of mental illness. My grandma was a rn at a mental hospital. I've heard a lot of stories about it

Wow....what possesses people to find that sort of thing acceptable? Wow, I'd have told her to clean it up and then to get out and never come back. :/

Are YOU mentally retarded? A woman was just peeing in his shop, not only is it disgusting it's downright weird.

wow, is someone urinating on the floor of your shop right before you're meant to go home NOT an fml? tell me you would honestly not think "**** my life" if someone did that to you.

Dabookofnothing 0

she probably wanted to go home and relax but she had to clean up pee and deal with some crazy old lady

G_tastic 0

the way this is stated i have way more questions about what happened after she was caught

wow did you have to clean up? did they pay you extra? FYL