By Rapunzel - 18/03/2012 20:02 - United States - Tucson

Today, I watched as my step-dad put locks on my window, because he's convinced that I've been sneaking out at night. All my mom did was casually remark that I'm fucked if there's ever a fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 120
You deserved it 3 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I'm sure she could find something in her room to break the glass if there was a fire.. :P

Walk down to the fire station and explain the situation

jillybean555 5

That's what chairs are for...

...To assist in hanging yourself if there is ever a fire?

skyeyez9 24

You can always break the window in an emergency to Escape if there was a fire. As long as he doesn't install bars on the windows.

perdix 29

I can tell your step-dad where he needs to go to get you fitted with a chastity belt -- for your fire safety, of course. Make sure he springs for the DP version ;)