By Anonymous - 13/04/2011 02:20

Today, I watched my dog chase his tail for ten minutes, thinking "wow, dogs are easily entertained." Then I realized that I'd been watching my dog chase his tail for 10 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 642
You deserved it 40 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey, you gotta admit, that is pretty entertaining. haha


Someone had adderall earlier in the day!

my dog doesn't just chase his tail a chases my cats tail too. she will just lay there moving her tail back and forth and my poor dog will chase it.

That made me smile. it's the simple things that are most meaningful.

zyxwvutsrqponmlk_fml 0

Cute is relative, stupid is obvious

The real kicker is when you realized you figured your anecdote was entertaining to share with the intarwebs. Luckily, we trolls are easily amused. You could have just as easily said: "Today, I realized my dog's existence is more meaningful than mine. FML" and we would have amused ourselves in the comments. It's a win-win.

How is that a FML??? Your dog is smarter than you. So what?

emodude44 0

I wish I was like you Easily Amused