By wags34 - 22/08/2011 14:57 - United States
wags34 tells us more.
Well, I've done everything from asking nicely to letting my dog go in his yard. We live outside the city and you really can't sue for something like this. It's just gonna be one of those neighborhood wars I guess. It's just whenever something so stupid like this goes on you can't help but think FML.
Top comments
They sell this stuff you can spray on your grass that deters animals. It doesn't hurt them or anything. It's by the mouse traps and insect killer at lowes near me lol. As a pet owner, I would be completely fine with my neighbors using this. Then again, I have enough respect to pick up dog turds.
call the cops
Buy a toy poodle, and every night, go over and shit on his porch. When he confronts you, say "twinkles has the biggest poops" an then get your friends to poop on his porch too. He'll be too confused to retaliate
Get a shovel and fling it all back over the fence
It's actually illegal in most states to not pick up after your dog. Call the cops for "suspicious" behavior and tell em some creep comes by every day.
You deserve it for calling them piss-pipes and poop-chutes. I'm sorry, but there are much more accurate terms for these.
pellet gun
Haha go buy a dog and let him relieve himself in your neighbor's yard :)

get a shovel and a bucket. scoop them up and put them in your neighbor's yard where they belong!
1. Go over to his house. 2. Make sure he sees you. 3. Pull down pants. 4. Shit.