By wtfjusthappened - 31/01/2014 15:29 - United States - Redmond

Today, I went down on the girl of my dreams. While I was down there, I started to put on a condom. As I came back up to start having sex, she told me she couldn't cheat on her boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 844
You deserved it 13 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steffi3 40

Because obviously going down on someone doesn't count as cheating. Wait...

selfsabotage 4

Wonder how her boyfriend would feel about his girlfriends "loyalty". Sucks to be you dude but if this is the girl of your dreams I would think you know enough about her to know she had a boyfriend.


At least she let you get that far man. She coupd have been thinking about it. but so much more disappointing.

icepick23 12

That's awesome! So, her only rule is that you can't put it in? Enjoy what she is giving you!

smartjaguargurl 17

How is it that you didn't ask her if she was single before getting with her?

I doubt the kind of person / people who would engage in sexual behaviour with someone they clearly don't know too well, bother to verify one another's relationship status.

BrinaGreis 3

she already did cheat. what a stupid hoe.

Wow, such low standards on her part. I'm sorry. You can do better than her. Good luck.

thatghostdude 9

You should've replied, "yes you can."

MaggieLeigh 5

I think it's a little too late to say she doesn't want to cheat... What was she thinking? Sorry tht happened bro.