By Medication - 12/10/2013 15:31 - United States

Today, I went home after work with my best friend who I am also secretly in love with. We had a few drinks, were getting touchy, and one thing led to another. Before leaving, I got the courage to ask her out on a real date. Her only reply was, "I don't want to lose such a good friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 189
You deserved it 7 060

Medication tells us more.

I didn't have an account when I posted this, but I'm the OP, and honestly, during our drunken state, I mustered up enough sobriety to prevent things from going too far. I as well, didn't want to ruin things between us by having sex because I respected her too much, and wanted more than that. Was it the right thing to do, or was I just being a dumbass? One commenter was correct in stating that she was confused as to what she really wanted. Either way, we've talked it out, and moved over that. It's better anyways maybe, considering we both work together and I have to go on months long deployments with this girl, haha. :]


It's not a bad thing!! Or good but she loves you as a friend. You shouldn't be ashamed of that. Keep being that good friend

Axel5238 29

Secretly in love with? You had dinner some drinks and she wanted to fool around, but you didn't make your intentions known. It happens, tell them how you feel, but don't be surprised they don't want to date you. Just cause you find someone attractive doesn't mean you want to get into a relationship or sleep with them.

TrinityNevada 11

I must be real confused, I thought Friends With Benefits was a FRIEND you sometimes slept with, while f**k buddies was someone you only hung around with for the sex. (As in you're not really friends or buddies, you just add that part because it seems more PC). In a relationship, I thought that meant that was the only friend you would sleep wtih/mess around with/flirt with (meaning you have sexual activity of some sort that you have with no one else). I assumed OP had sex with his friend, but it could have been just oral or just messing around. When I tell guys I just want to be friends, I mean I want to hang out/talk/act goofy but not have sex with them. It means I'm not sexually attracted to them. Hard to explain

MyNameIsNot 15

Friendzoned....welcome to the club, you are late, too late......

lsfactor 4

Sex doesn't mean love, I hate that guys assume just cause they got laid and they have feelings for the girl that they're going to start a relationship. And enough of this "friendzone" shit, she doesn't want to date you, man up and stop making excuses, she's just not that into you.

Your better off looking somewhere else! You're in the friendzone now

perfect! sealed the deal, without the bullshit! win win.