By SKYYYLLLARRRR!!!! - 01/02/2015 16:17 - United States - Gurnee

Today, my Breaking Bad-obsessed boyfriend actually used the phrase "I am the one who cocks" during foreplay. My vagina just about turned into a desert on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 348
You deserved it 4 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"SAY MY NAME" "SAY. MY. NAME." "Mood killer."

KhaleesiDannie 26

Fandom's don't belong in the bedroom


A man opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks.

KhaleesiDannie 26

Fandom's don't belong in the bedroom

xninix_fml 36

@6 Yeah, but I think it'd be better if the couple discussed that before having sex. This guy clearly didn't talk about it with the op.

homesuckfucker 28

My girlfriend called me by a comic character's name in bed by mistake once.

49 yeah I don't think she meant Bruce Wayne ;)

homesuckfucker 28

More importantly, there is no apostrophe in "fandoms."

Hah, my gf kept referring to her vag as the "chamber of secrets" and randomly exclaiming shit like "oh! This reminds me of that one time in Harry Potter where they're going into the cave..." and other random HP references. It was fun for a while, but luckily she stopped.

Fandom applies to crappy teen shows, not adult masterpieces 8)

#50 Maybe she accidentally called them "The Flash"? ;)

homesuckfucker 28

#68, Again, she called me Vriska, not anything from the Marvel comics. But she does make jokes about how fast I finish.

fandoms* Never use apostrophes for pluralization

get out. get out now, no matter how good the show is

Why? Break up with someone for something as stupid as that?

Yeah. Right on. Get out OP. Move to New Zealand and you could paint the local castles and shit. Or become a bush pilot...

AirBusDriver 23

Hey, bring a Bush Pilot has its moments, mostly good with the occasional adrenaline rush, (aka:terror) ?

Why? There is absolutely zero reason to break up over that...if you break up over something that small, I have a feeling you will spend a lot of time alone in your life...

I forget that FML's solution to everything is breaking up.

"SAY MY NAME" "SAY. MY. NAME." "Mood killer."

When nobodies around you say baby I love you.

Glad I'm not the only one who sung that in my head after reading this posting!

His puns are bad and he should feel bad

@#26 Yeah! Or she could've put her clothes back on and said "This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed. Bitch."

Best comment on this thread #27. I laughed for sure!

Well don't tell him what your ****** turned into, or he might get the idea to bury his money in it.

larrena2377 26

Clearly, the people who down voted you don't understand.

Dreamsorrow93 24

To help people who haven't seen breaking bad. There is a character named Jessie who calls everyone a bitch about a thousand times a show. Hence "at least he didn't call you a bitch". So in context pretty funny comment :)!

Foreplay failing. Where have I heard that story before?

my wifes cousin workedon that show and frankly couldnt see her liking that during sex!