By Anonymous - 25/08/2015 18:31 - United States - Springfield

Today, I went on a blind date with a friend of a friend. It went okay, so we exchanged numbers. An hour later, he started messaging me, asking for pictures of my poop. What.. the... hell? FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 855
You deserved it 1 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

So I'm guessing there won't be a second date?

Welp, hopefully that guy learns that it is DEFINITELY NOT OKAY to ask that or to want to ask that. FYL OP it just means your next date can't be worse (fingers crossed for you on that one)


I really don't know what to say about this other than Fyl.

I decided to search up poop fetish and apparently it's a thing.. Coprophilia: sexual arousal to feces. What the ****.. but if you're willing to fulfill his feces fetish.. role with it..(Just kidding please don't) FYL

#21 ...Everyone has needs... Some should be fulfilled while others should not...

I suspect he wanted to let you down easy and thought it would be best to act like a freak. This is just 1 possible explanation for this very odd situation

JMichael 25

So I'm guessing there won't be a second date?

Reminds me of how I met your mother, when the gang sent texts to each other with symbols illustrating their dumps

I would say shitty situation but this is worse than that! No time to waste get back into the dating circle. Not all of us have issues...

somebodys a freak, I guess dick pics and tit pics just aren't good enough these days.

Welp, hopefully that guy learns that it is DEFINITELY NOT OKAY to ask that or to want to ask that. FYL OP it just means your next date can't be worse (fingers crossed for you on that one)

Unless the next date starts asking her for the different ways she would like to be murdered.

Maybe he meant boob? Hopefully he meant boob. >.>

yeah that's what i was gonna say, but if you look at b and p on a keyboard they're pretty far apart for typo's... and that'd be one disturbing auto correct