By great. - 02/01/2013 18:59

Today, I went on a first date with the guy I really like. During our dinner, he said he needed to go to the bathroom. You guessed it: he didn't come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 982
You deserved it 3 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

Gotta love people without the balls to just tell you when something is bothering them or just not working for them!


He could've just gone through the date and told you after it wasn't gonna work out

I'm sorry this happened to you but if he didn't have the balls to let you know that it wasn't working out then he wasn't much of a man to begin with.

Some times the restaurant bathrooms are so beautifully designed and the men in there are so nice he just probably didn't want to leave :)

Irrelevant to the post but yes, yes I do like crows. CAW(L) me. Tee heee xDxD

Obey_StudBoii 23
carminecris89 13

That sucks, but he did you a favor. You don't want a guy that can't just finish a date out, or tell you the truth, instead of just leaving you to avoid confrontation.

******* cowards doing that! You deserve better.

Actually I didn't guess it, you assuming bastard.

Most assholes don't have testicles. At least none I've seen...

Don't worry too much about it. I know it pisses you off, but... There are better dudes out there. Just be more careful, if you can!

I had guessed he was going to turn into Nylarathotep, the Crawling Chaos. Was I still correct?