By toastedguy - 01/12/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, I went on my first date in a long time. We went to see "New Moon." After the girl stole my hat, I grabbed her phone. While trying to get it back, she held a lighter to me, threatening me. Next thing I know my beard is on fire, so not only did I have to sit through horrible acting, I got burnt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 659
You deserved it 13 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rellich 0

I want to say, "YDI," but no one deserves a psycho bitch like that...


groundangel5 0

wow.. she is definitely a keeper! :)

DollfaceKilla 0

haha nice! I agree with 116. btdubbs...I'm a chick and think twilight is gay!

ninjasmurf 0

i feel sorry for you because 1. that psycho burned your beard and 2. you had to watch new moon. yeah don't ever mess w/ twilight psychos thats my advice.

lalalaloveit 0

New Moon is amazing, there's NO bad acting.

That sounds like a lovely date. **** twilight.

I clicked your life sucks because that's not cool at all, but really, didn't a red light go off in your head when she picked a twilight movie? She'd have to be psyco to begin with.

Twilight themed FML... "My teacher forced us to watch "New Moon" on the last day. She threatened to give anyone who talked or "interrupted" the movie with a detention the following school day. FML"