By toastedguy - 01/12/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, I went on my first date in a long time. We went to see "New Moon." After the girl stole my hat, I grabbed her phone. While trying to get it back, she held a lighter to me, threatening me. Next thing I know my beard is on fire, so not only did I have to sit through horrible acting, I got burnt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 659
You deserved it 13 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rellich 0

I want to say, "YDI," but no one deserves a psycho bitch like that...


wow people. stop trashing it. ill bet you couldnt make a movie that made as much as it did. and ill bet you couldnt get someone as hot as taylor lautner to be in it. so shut the **** up.

CoffeeCovered 0

The second you found out you were going to New Moon, you should have left.

And I suppose you also paid for her ticket too, you dumb ****.

You do realize twilight is a disease, like zombie virus, right?

See what happens when you associate with anything twilight?

You should have just ran with the phone and said "no take-backs!"

YDI for saying Taylor Lautner is a bad actor

hes not a bad actor hes a terrible god AWFUL actor, like everyone in that movie.

Yeah you are! HE is a horrible actor and he doesn't even wash his hair!