By dodgerkiss - 10/06/2009 06:38 - United States

Today, I went to a Dodger game with my crush. Between innings, the "Kiss cam" came up on the big screen. The camera happened to land on us, and when my crush saw us on the screen, he leaned away from me and buried his face in his hands. Everyone saw, and sympathetically said "Awww." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 235
You deserved it 3 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahahaha #1. Maybe he's just shy? If he took you to the game, he probably likes you to begin with.


More like FHL. He must be ten times more embarassed and guilty because of the crowd.

puppydoggie 0

I've seen the same FML before, I swear..

Tori_xoxo 0

D: Aww.. -huggle- :l. Wellllll. You're too good to kiss him, anyways n_n.

sdawl 0

the crowd should have started chanting ass-hole ass-hole ass-hole

justdesserts 0

YDI for going to a dodgers game.

threer 30

Just shut the **** up. People don't deserve things for being fans. Get the **** out with your shitty morals.

Harlei81 0

#27, I know I definately would have. What a gigantic prick. Worse than a six year old.

yh hes probs shy dw abt it. like im a girl but if i was a guy i wudnt have

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