By SOTS4335 - 16/05/2015 22:16 - United States - Maumelle
SOTS4335 tells us more.
OP here. Two of my sisters actually ended up beating the shit out of my now ex-girlfriend and moving me and my kids in with them. Kinda hard to defend yourself when you have muscular dystrophy and you spend most of your day in a wheelchair. But Thank GOD I'm done with that psycho-bitch. And **** those assholes at that therapy session.
Top comments
That group needs to disband. If they were a real abuse support group, they'd know that anyone could be abused.
That really sucks, OP. It isnt fair to the men who experience abuse that there are people who think that it doesn't happen. My cousin is currently experiencing abuse from his girlfriend so I really sympathise for you. I hope the situation gets better. My advice is you start putting money away to leave her. If she's punching you infront of your children that's just wrong. I think this FML requires a follow-up...good luck in your future OP and I hope things work out for the best for you.
I hope you'll find support somewhere they take your situation seriously!
WHY were they laughing, that's ridiculous! Just because you're a male, it isn't any less serious.
Wow... I don't know what to say. They should be ashamed of themselves. I hope you find another group which gives you more support and take your situation serious.
That's horrible. It's horrible that your (very real) pain and suffering isn't taken seriously, and it's horrible that what your kids are going through isn't taken seriously. You'd think that, of all people, those women who know how awful it is to be in an abusive relationship would have a shred of empathy for you. What horrible people. Try to find a different group to support you OP, there will always be some people who take your abuse seriously no matter what your gender is. Abuse is abuse.
This is exactly the reason why no males ever report abuse, others will belittle them.
That is a disgusting display of sexism. To laugh at anyone who is being abused is horrible. But to have it happen in a place that is meant to be supportive and a safe place for you to get help? Disgusting! I hope the counselor was supportive and told people to stop. If not, report them because that person should not be allowed to be in a position to help anyone. I'm really sorry you're dealing with this crap. Domestic violence is never okay.
I had a girlfriend who was physically and emotionally abusive. I put up with it for a long time because I was taught that under no circumstances is it okay for a man to fight back against a woman. However, it got to the point where she slammed me against a wall and was yelling in my face (all because I wanted to walk away so I didn't lose my temper after arguing all day). So I told her that she needed to leave or I was going to call the cops. I got lucky and she left without breaking any of my stuff. I understand your pain to an extent OP. Stay strong and get the help you need. The fact that she is doing this at all, especially in front of the kids, is absolutely disgusting and should not be tolerated. You are a human being and deserve respect OP. Find a different support group that will help you.
That infuriates me so much, and I say this as a decent human being and a feminist. If women are equal to men, then we need to accept that some women can as vile as some men, and some men can be victimized just as some women are. You need to leave that bitch, and if there's any retaliation, DOCUMENT IT (if you haven't been already). I imagine any court case would be difficult for you, but if you can get evidence to back it up so it's not a case of he said, she said, that might help a little. It's ****** up that male victims of domestic abuse aren't given enough support, but you have mine.

I hate double standards. Abuse is abuse no matter what gender you are. Sorry OP :/
I hate when people think males can't be absurd