By efffmylife - 15/02/2009 21:27 - United States

Today, I went to a fastfood restaurant to pick up food for my work party. I ordered 250 chicken fingers, 15 orders of fries, and 2 gallons of tea, and the guy behind the counter asked, "Is this for here or to go?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 991
You deserved it 7 121

efffmylife tells us more.

efffmylife 0

yeahhh it was at canes! and im a girl btw. and i thought the heftyness was implied... that is why it is an FML

Top comments

Idyedmyhairblack 0

thats really funny.. but i bet the employee was super embarrassed after they said that!


The cashier is either being funny, or stupid. Lighten the hell up. This is hardly a FML.

its habit for food service people. either that, HAHAHAHA FATTY

whatwhat 0

Maybe he thought you were really high.

The guy probably asked that out of habit. I mean, saying that everyday, it's almost a mindless reflex. I wouldn't take it to heart and just brush it off.

When you have to say the same thing all day, that's bound to happen. It's more F HIS life for having to stand up there and say the same line ALL DAY LONG. If he did mean to mess with you then, yeah... your life is effed but, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that.

When I worked at White Castles, I got so in the habit of asking if they wanted ketchup or mustard with their orders. One guy came through the drive through and ordered coffee. I ask (out of habit) "would you like, anything with that?" The guy was like "ketchup? With coffee?" This was at 5 am after I worked all night, so I was half asleep. It happens. You get in the habit of asking a certain thing and you will ask that even if it doesnt make sense to.

unimportant 0

I work at a Subway and people come in and get like 5+ subs, i ask for her or to go. I do it becuase I'm suppose to! but that wasnt too bad lol

Well, it's a reflex for people who work at those places. ^^ And they are supposed to ask.