By whatdidIdo - 03/09/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, I went to a restaurant with a girl I really liked. She started crying when an overweight family walked in and loudly sobbed about how the parents were "murdering" their children. This made the father of that family try to fight me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 822
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste


FlyingLazerWALRU 0

The crying might be a *little* over the top, but I do have to agree with her: parents like that suck!

varkey 7

FYL. Why would he want to fight YOU? And why would she even say that in public (although it's kind of true)?

omg she needs to learn how to keep her comments to herself!

f that. women are equal, she should be arguing with the girl not the men. I hate that crap. women wanted equal rights, then they should have them all the way. I wouldnt hit a woman first but if age hits me I hit back. eye 4 eye

That's just mean, cause if someone would have done that to me I probably would have ran out the crying

WTF doesn't even do it this time. WhatTheFuck is her malfunction?

Lol fyl why does it matter to her it's there children. Plus you didn't do anything. Hope you didn't have to fight him

TexasMud 8

What a dumb bitch. That's mean, rude, and offensive.