By whatdidIdo - 03/09/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, I went to a restaurant with a girl I really liked. She started crying when an overweight family walked in and loudly sobbed about how the parents were "murdering" their children. This made the father of that family try to fight me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 822
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste


RileySue50 10

Uhm I'm still having trouble trying to understand what's going on lol

Niishaa77 0

If he's so fat, couldn't you just use the Turtle effect and roll him onto his back?

javierrrrm 12

the girl and everyone commenting on this should go **** themselves. healthy or not, who gives a ****.

googlefrewdnoob 0

Yeah... What the ***** this guy talking about

what????? the heck???? are you talking about?!

Late_night83 25

hopefully you don't call her **** ass back either. fyl

chino_rican 0