By Clementine - 27/11/2012 11:36 - Australia - Saint Kilda

Today, I went to a restaurant with my boyfriend. After dessert, he went to the bathroom so I quickly called the waiter over and paid the bill, thinking it was a nice gesture. When he returned, he broke up with me for "emasculating" him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 208
You deserved it 4 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe I'm just a cheap ass but whenever someone pays for my food, I'm happy.


I wouldn't feel proud not paying but I don't think it's worth breaking up's his loss.

theslimshadylp 6
hateevryone 14

The idiot should've been grateful. What a stupid thing to break up over.

Sounds like a chauvinistic asshole to me. Don't let his kind stain the rest of the male sex. He's just one of us. If I were him, I would have said "Thanks, that was really generous, but, really, you didn't have to pay." I'd be thankful that I didn't have to spend my money on something. It was a kind favor, not a statement of his masculinity.

Shit, I would of bought you very nice ring.

There's nothing wrong with paying for a woman's meals or opening doors if you feel that's the gentlemanly thing to do. The problem is, there was nothing gentlemanly about breaking up with someone for damaging your inflated sense of pride in being a "gentleman," by trying to do something nice. Be a gentleman if that's who you are- it's not lame or outdated if it's sincere. But don't be a jerk in order to protect your front as a "man."

If he's too insecure to handle you paying for a meal, screw him. You're better off with a guy who treats you like an equal instead of insisting on rigid gender roles.

TheDrifter 23

Old fashioned isn't always a bad thing. Op's boyfriend may be a whiney douche, but old fashioned courtesy and common sense would eliminate half the fmls posted if they were widespread.

TheDrifter 23

Gah, the societal rules are changing. I'm going to have to turn in my "Chivalrous Man, 1895 Edition" handbook and learn a while new set of rules. This is just unacceptable.