By Anonymous - 15/01/2011 15:33 - United States

Today, I went to dinner with friends for my birthday. During the whole thing they insisted that we get whatever we wanted and celebrate, but when the check came, they all looked at me expectantly. I just bought my friends $150 of food for my birthday present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 723
You deserved it 4 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Acousticpixie14 6

I woulda got up and left them there with the check. That's so rude. Get some new friends and don't be such a pushover.

rockyraccoon28 8

should've said "frick no, I'm not paying."


Elfkid21 19

something similar happened to me, i feel for you. = some friends we got, huh?

Wow. At the very least, you all should've paid each for your own if they wanted to be cheap and not pay for you. When my friends go out for birthdays, we typically each pay for our own meal and then we split the cost of the birthday boy/girl's meal between us. What makes it worse is that they kept insisting you get whatever you want...

I still don't see a reason for you being the one who got stuck with the bill... why did you pay, exactly?

This is where you should smile sweetly at the cashier and say, "They're paying, it's my birthday." :) Then not only do they look like skinflint ***** when they don't pay, you can turn the tears on and utterly shame them in front of the whole restaurant.

nightfall8705 33

Say no way, say no way, no way-a-a-ay, na na why don't you get a job? I won't give you no money, I always pay! Na na why don't you get a JOB? Btw, your friends are douchebags.