By Boo Boo - 22/01/2012 04:23 - United States

Today, I went to get my blood drawn to see how far along I am pregnant. The lady stuck both my arms twice and then busted a vein in my right arm. She told me to come back tomorrow to try again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 118
You deserved it 2 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh make sure you don't get her tomorrow again XD

omfg_creepers 8

That must be "bloody" painful.


congrates on your baby, you will have soo much fun

linkinpark98 23

If they try to take it from the crook in my arm, they always blow out my vein. If they take it from the back of my hand or back of my wrist, no problems.

Getting the vaccinations you heard about before your 2012 year of school (mainly high school) sucked, since the chick I got said if you move your arm around, it won't hurt as bad... What a liar. It hurt for a week and due to that, I'm deathly afraid of needles. I don't see how I can want piercings or a tattoo.

josephgibbs10 0
desireev 17

She is not a phlebotomist. She is a registered nurse. A phlebotomist is a Doctor who specializes in the study of blood, blood disorders, blood diseases, etc.. There is a huge difference between the two., a phlebotomist is a nurse who specializes in blood-taking, you are thinking of a shouldn't argue with someone if you don't know what you are talking about.

No, no, no, no! A phlebotomist is a high school graduate who went through a 6 week course on how to stick a needle in unsuspecting fools arms. There is a huge difference between a technician and a clinician.

101 that's a hematologist. Really make sure you know what you are talking about before you are telling other people they are wrong.

Ninetales247 2

You can file a complaint because a phlebotomist is only allowed to stick twice on a patient. If she blew the vein, she either didn't anchor it or used the wrong kind of needle. Most likely she didn't have training. I'm a phlebotomist myself so I'd file a complaint

And blood work is usually done to show whether a woman is pregnant or not And maybe check for a CBC....not how far along you are

desireev 17

If you're a phlebotomist, then you would know that the person drawing blood from OP isn't a phlebotomist. The person drawing blood from OP is a registered nurse. Nobody would send a woman who is pregnant to a phlebotomist to confirm a pregnancy and find out how far along she is. A phlebotomist only deals with serious business in the blood such as a Factor 7 deficiency or serious blood disease.. Not to do a simple blood test to determine pregnancy..

Deja vu... HAEMATOLOGIST = blood doctor PHLEBOTOMIST = blood taker

ForeverScarlett 3

103-OP never mentioned it being an RN for 1 and for 2 it couldve also been an LPN or MA

Rocky007 15

Drink lots of water. Being hydrated makes your veins easier to find.

Wow. There are just some really stupid people out there. How in the world did she deserve that?!?!