By Bamamomma01 - 13/03/2009 18:08 - United States

Today, I went to get my midterm essay grade thinking I couldn't have made lower than a B. Got to class and my douchebag professor gave me an F. He wrote "Best essay I read, would've been an A if it was the right topic." I wrote on the Industrial Revolution, instead of the Scientific Revolution. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 829
You deserved it 87 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so he's a douchebag because you can't read instructions?

shantoyamuchluv 0

You're too stupid to figure out the difference between the INDUSTRIAL revolution and the SCIENTIFIC revolution and you call your professor a douchebag? Sounds like the pot's calling the kettle black.


As someone studying education in college, honey, I would definitely give you an F if the paper is on the wrong topic. Your professor isn't a douchebag. There is no one else to blame for that mess-up except yourself.

kellster 2

As so many others said, your error doesn't make your prof a douchebag. Be thankful that he said nice things about your essay, accept the grade you deserved, and next time, read the instructions! There's a rather large difference between these two revolutions!

newguy_fml 0

That happened top me once. I was supposed to write about WW2 but instead wrote about French food. I mean, both topics are in Europe. #s 15 & 16 are right, it's hard to do stuff. *sarcasm*

ones from the Renaissance (well the end of it) and ones from the Modern age, itd be very unlikely theyd be in the same class unless its an intro which is usually about ancient history. and I doubt it was the best hes ever seen if you dont pay enough attention in class to get that right

bmxraver 0

Wow big deal your the first person to f*** up in school. ur so special

like my old 9th grade history teacher used to say: ATDQ. ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION. the one asked, not what you think it is.

I'm sure you can argue to him that scientific research and breakthroughs helped inspire and develop the new technologies and revolutionary machinery created during the industrial revolution. :D

mgrazi99 13

That still wouldn't have been the essay question though.

This reminds me of a math test in high school that I was given, where the instructions said to only answer the even numbered questions. Only I and two other students (out of 20-something) managed to notice. Funny thing was, the teacher decided to give the three of us 100% regardless of how well we did for being the only ones who read the directions. That sucks, OP, and mistakes do get made, but you should have double-checked.

OhSoFoxy 0

On the bright side, you still got a good grade. :)

Just to make something clear to people who haven't taken history : The scientific revolution is a world-changing period of history that took place in the last 500 years that involved a lot of astounding breakthroughs in technology. The industrial revolution is a world-changing period of history that took place in the last 500 years that involved a lot of astounding breakthroughs in technology. So it would be covered in the same class. It was History 103 for me, I don't know about other colleges. However, the OP is still stupid, and the teacher was completely right. READ INSTRUCTIONS. I do it about 100 times before starting a paper.