By terrible person - 04/04/2011 09:29

Today, I went to my boyfriend's house to break down and cry because his mother hates me for unknown reasons. I walked in, gave him a long hug, and started sobbing. I then saw his mother. She was visiting him to complain about how terrible a person I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 148
You deserved it 5 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Valle79 5

So you planned to break down? I can see how his mother might think you're a horrible person...

Now you can talk out your diffierences.


my mom hated my gf so I just told her if you keep that attitude up I'll just stop visiting. now she loves my gf and if she doesnt I atleast don't have to hear about it.

lmaoatall 6

you shouldn't cry about this op, rest assured your in with the majority- my moms ex- mother in law, walked into my parents home, went straight to their bedroom, opened her sons undie drawer, and scolded my mom for not folding my dads whitie tities properly. there's soom bad ones out there op, bad ones

When I was in high school, my girlfriend's psychotic mother did everything she could to try to break us up. So when we graduated, we both moved out of state. We are now happily married and have completely cut that psycho out of our lives. Show your boyfriend's mom this comment as a warning.

lmaoatall 6

your words are so true- take this mans advice op

I give you a thumbs up for the actual reasonability.

justinhi 0

wait you went in planning on breaking down and

hochrote 0

Yeah, I don't think my boyfriend's mom likes me. But honestly, I don't care too much. I'm in a relationship with her son, not her. If she doesn't like me, it's her problem.

all moms are jealous of girlfriends/wives dont worry

If that is true (which I doubt) not all of them show it/act like they are.

NoraT_fml 6

Who cares if his mom likes you or not? unless he's a mommys boy your fine.

kittycat4315 0

should have squeezed his ass, looked her right in the eye, and said "you are welcome to stay here with us, but you might see and hear things that cannot be unseen or unheard".