By terrible person - 04/04/2011 09:29

Today, I went to my boyfriend's house to break down and cry because his mother hates me for unknown reasons. I walked in, gave him a long hug, and started sobbing. I then saw his mother. She was visiting him to complain about how terrible a person I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 148
You deserved it 5 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Valle79 5

So you planned to break down? I can see how his mother might think you're a horrible person...

Now you can talk out your diffierences.


The worst thing you can do is make your boyfriend choose sides. If you and his Mom can't act like ******* adults then go cry on someone else's shoulder. How annoying and awkward do you think that situation was for him?

You are such a fake little c*nt. Acting all innocent while you're making him choose to f*ck over his own family?! Stop pretending...

maybe you should stop being a terrible person if this type of thing bothers you that much

aberle5 0

that first part was sweet but It sucks his mom was there. it's sweet though the way u go there to cry and hug him when u start to cry. I wish I had that.

JoeTheBow 8

Aren't you embarrassed of crying?

aw.... I have like the exact same problem except my gf lives a state away from me so we can't hug :(

I don't get it... u said u went over there to cry about that....

dawn2011 4

maybe you need to talk to her and find out why she don't like you.