By terrible person - 04/04/2011 09:29

Today, I went to my boyfriend's house to break down and cry because his mother hates me for unknown reasons. I walked in, gave him a long hug, and started sobbing. I then saw his mother. She was visiting him to complain about how terrible a person I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 149
You deserved it 5 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Valle79 5

So you planned to break down? I can see how his mother might think you're a horrible person...

Now you can talk out your diffierences.


SpazzyJazzy325 0

Wow what a total d bag mom if i was her boyfriend i wouldve told the mom to back off

doogy15 11

So you just randomly decided to go to your bf's to cry? If something happens then ok but just out of the random?

You went to HIS HOUSE to cry about HIS MOTHER? Did you honestly expect NOT to see her?

bumpinthenight 10

Only me who feels sorry for the dude who has to stand two complaining women?

You're a pathetic person at least.. You went to his house to whine about her? Sounds like a good way to reinforce what she's saying in his mind...

AndrewCB 4

Wow, I don't even know what to say about that that doesn't contain profanity

xxcaitlannxx 15

Don't cry over her. If She hates you, she hates you. Don't let it get to you

You went over there just to cry? His mother isn't visiting just to hate on you.