By terrible person - 04/04/2011 09:29

Today, I went to my boyfriend's house to break down and cry because his mother hates me for unknown reasons. I walked in, gave him a long hug, and started sobbing. I then saw his mother. She was visiting him to complain about how terrible a person I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 148
You deserved it 5 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Valle79 5

So you planned to break down? I can see how his mother might think you're a horrible person...

Now you can talk out your diffierences.


jmlxox 2

My boyfriend's mom is the same way. I feel your pain OP.

My mom hated my girlfriend... I broke up with her b/c she was crying and being a bitch about it... and do I give a damn, no. Change yourself, talk to her. It's not worth crying to your boyfriend... b/c he probably doesn't give a rats ass if he was willing to listen to his mom.

dude ur harch... u probably didn't have feeling for ur gf

Ha stop crying you nub................... YUYYUYU shlug flumpen copen hagen!

AshMarLan 0

There is no reason that you should have to change yourself for your boyfriends mother. You're dating him, not her. If he tells you not to worry about it then dont, just ignore her. But if he insists you change because she doesnt like you, then beat him to the punch and dump his dumb ass.

I wouldn't like you, either, judging by how much of a drama queen you sound like. You went over there specifically to break down on the poor guy? You don't think you could maybe handle your insecurities in a more mature way?

bigbenz_fml 2

The real fml here is for you boyfriend. Not only does he have to put up with his mothers whining he has to put up with yours after. Poor fella

baw how cute reminds me of my dysfunctional family

Who goes to someones house to cry. You sad, sad mongrel.

so, you went over there with a PLAN to cry bc his mom hates you? I hate you cause your a sad, pathetic, waste of jiz. Grow up poor me.