By terrible person - 04/04/2011 09:29

Today, I went to my boyfriend's house to break down and cry because his mother hates me for unknown reasons. I walked in, gave him a long hug, and started sobbing. I then saw his mother. She was visiting him to complain about how terrible a person I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 148
You deserved it 5 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Valle79 5

So you planned to break down? I can see how his mother might think you're a horrible person...

Now you can talk out your diffierences.


beastin34 0

I'd say **** the bitch and light one

How about looking at it from the boyfriends view? I tried it once when my girlfriend and my mom hated eachother. And I ended up breaking up with the Girl I loved because she kept saying bad thinks about my mom. Maybe it's hard for OP's boyfriend too?

This reminds me of Everybody Loves Raymond.

It was kindda. But my mom was not terrible to my girlfriend but the other way around and that made me break it of with her.

Bonbon87 0

I'm speaking from personal experience. RUN! Unless your bf is willing to stand up to her, it will only get worse. I cried on my wedding day because my mother-in-law was outside with my new husband and their family for almost an hour taking pictures without me. This was one of the mild things she did. Hopefully your boyfriend is a good man and will stand by you if you guys get more serious...

blakkat77 0

just do drugs heroins my choice and it works wonders :)

The boyfriend must have been like "well this is awkward"

Easyaccess 0
xk75 4

agreed, who cares if his mom hates her? as long as the bf is supportive and intervenes on her behalf to prevent poor treatment by his mom, what is there to cry about? if, however, the bf is a mama's boy who does nothing when his mom mistreats the op, op, RUN because this will not get better and will only get worse.

That sounds exactly how my mother and girlfriend used to be, but then they got over it and became friendly sucks you you op, just don't let it bother you

the fact that you went over there to "break down and cry" to your boyfriend about his mother instead of calmly and maturely discussing it says a lot about you OP

SuperWasian 0

Stop being a drama queen. Why would you go to your boyfriend's house to sob about how his mom hates you? That just gives her more reasons to hate you.