By Vac - 05/04/2009 14:12 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's house to meet his parents. They informed me they were lawyers throughout the meal, which explained the gorgeous house. My boyfriend excitedly told them I was promoted manager at my job. They asked where I work. I work at Burger King. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 603
You deserved it 8 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He EXCITEDLY said you were promoted to manager. He's proud of you! YDI because it isn't bad. Don't be bummed.

Hey, you gotta start somewhere. Hopefully his parents understand that. Odds are they were in similar positions early on, too.


It's not that bad, if you're young. It's not really a reason to be embarrassed, it could be worse. ;D

chimmy 0

Why is that embarrassing? Don't be classist. I'm sure they found your promotion just as exciting as their son did.

I agree with number 4 you have to start somewhere! & burger isn't bad! I worked there for three last six months I was a crew trainer...however when they offered me management position my two weeks was already put in.

That's not that bad, what do you think they were expecting, that you work at a law firm too? Of course young people are going to have shitty jobs, that's expected.

Monty_Python 0

You're a manager. If you were the cashier then this would be an FML

p1et 0

BK is a job, and you're successful at it. Don't you dare be embarrassed by your accomplishments! Congrats on your promotion!

Even cashier isn't that bad. Janitor or something, then you can be worried. Shut up and be happy that you have a position important than others.

Who ******* cares? I applied there this week, actually, but haven't gotten a call back. Hey if you can't appreciate the fact that you even HAVE a job, then I'll take it off your hands.

at least you're getting a paycheck, and considering the economy right now, they shouldn't be judging you.