By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 21:46 - United States
Same thing different taste
Shame! Shame! Shame!
By Clive81 - 17/02/2015 20:02 - United States - Alpharetta
Thanks, I guess…
By Steph - 19/08/2019 02:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 08:21 - United States
By Raiders4ever - 21/10/2009 00:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/09/2011 04:15 - United States
By -_- - 07/10/2015 11:29 - United States - San Francisco
By Annie - 24/02/2011 06:39 - United States
By WellThen - 15/12/2018 06:30 - United States
Baller move
By notafan - 07/08/2019 00:01 - United States
By Amanda - 26/11/2013 20:00 - United States
Top comments
Everyone that says the kids and ass and then goes on to tell her to be a bitch to him is a jackass. Screaming at the top of your lungs is almost never appropriate and that was not the time to do it.
ok, for the people screaming "FAKE SOCCUR SEAZON IZ OVER LOL!!1!" there is such thing as spring soccer. my school team was a fall sport and my town travel team was spring. sooo, stfu. i played lots of sports when i was younger. not only did my mom go to every game, she coached a lot of my teams. i loved having her there cheering for me, even when i was a senior in high school. i had a lot of friends with parents who couldn't be bothered to take an interest in anything their kids did, so i appreciate the fact that my mom actually gave a ****. i don't care if the kid was embarrassed or wanted to look cool in front of his friends, it's completely rude and ungrateful to ever talk about a supportive mother that way. if your parents feed you, clothe you, take the time to be involved in your life, and don't get wasted and beat the shit out of you for no reason, you're pretty damn lucky, so take your spoiled heads out of your ungrateful asses and show some respect.
#59 you contradicted yourself in the first sentence... telling people to hang themselves because of their overreaction is in itself an overreaction... good job tho FYL... to the OP: i agree that this is ******, but i think it's your fault partly because of how you raised him. i never would've called my mom a fat bitch because i respect her and i would never want my friends to think "well if she talks that way about her mom, what's she saying about us?" point that out to him when you have a heart to heart. don't say LISTEN YOU LITTLE BASTARD I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID TO TOMMY ON THE FIELD etc etc.... because then you're doing what #59 did, and repeating what you are saying they can't do. and if the kid is anywhere from 12 and older, you definitely don't want to give in the "i'm an elder so you respect me" card. explain its about respecting people in general, but it hurt more to you because you're his mom and love him no matter what. sorry didnt mean to go all dr phil on everyone... lol
it's never too late for abortion.
#17 is so right
i disagree with the people saying it's her fault for raising him that way. granted, it could be true. most of the problems kids have with respect and boundaries is because of poor parenting, but in this case, it could very easily be the result of peer influence, not parental. my parents were amazing to me and i still **** up. see, that right there. my mom hates the f word but i drop it all the time. no matter how good you are, you're kids are never going to always be perfect, and the kid in this example is a straight up prick.

How old is that kid? seriously he needs some sense of respect kicked into him
Ground that little brat for being an asshole.