By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 21:46 - United States

Today, I went to my son's soccer game. I cheered his name at the top my lungs and waved with a grin on my face. I saw him whisper something to a team mate so I watched the film my husband took later that night. His friend asked, "Who is that?" and my son replied, "I don't know some fat bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 101 715
You deserved it 19 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How old is that kid? seriously he needs some sense of respect kicked into him

suckstobeyou3 0

Ground that little brat for being an asshole.


ohhdamn 0

maybe they were talking about someone else? come on put a lil' trust in the boy (: let's hope i'm right.

Sessee 4

Lawl. YDI for embarrassing your son.

The mothers who scream at the top of their lungs are the most embarrassing parents there area. Stop embarrassing him and he won't have to call you a fat bitch. It's a fairly simply concept.

Your fault for embarassing him like that. I would have done the same if my mom or dad had done that when I was at a game. He didn't say it to your face, he obviously didn't know he was being filmed. Hell, if I'd been recorded saying stuff every time I was upset at my parents I'm sure none of us would be in contact anymore.

fmlbeast 0

the best solution....put that little brat up for adoption

atomicmrpelly 2

Why is it that when women manage to pop an offspring out they lose all tact and suddenly become hell bent on embarrassing the **** out of anything that stands still for 5 seconds!?

perstephane 4

To everyone who's defending the kid because he was embarassed - everyone's parents embarass them. But most of us deal with it instead of acting like douchebags. To the poster - you need to teach your child respect. I supervise juvenile delinquents doing court ordered community service, and most of THEM won't even talk like that about their parents.

thisisher 0

He wouldn't have said it if he knew his mom was listening. I'm a teenager, and I'll be the first to admit that I talk shit about my parents to my friends sometimes. Obviously, when I talk to my friends, I don't mean that my mother is a bitch. She's just pissing me off at the time. My parents and I have a really good relationship considering all the shit I've done to **** it up in the last couple years. Who really knows why he said that? Or even if she heard him wrong. If he was whispering and it was on a video of a loud soccer game, my guess is it wasn't very clear what he was saying. One of the things I hate about this site is that basically the entire purpose of it is to judge people and situations we know next to nothing about.