By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 21:46 - United States

Today, I went to my son's soccer game. I cheered his name at the top my lungs and waved with a grin on my face. I saw him whisper something to a team mate so I watched the film my husband took later that night. His friend asked, "Who is that?" and my son replied, "I don't know some fat bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 101 715
You deserved it 19 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How old is that kid? seriously he needs some sense of respect kicked into him

suckstobeyou3 0

Ground that little brat for being an asshole.


That's horrible. These kind make me sad. Also the majority (not all) of the people commenting on this are dicks.

dontcare804 0

You were embarrassing him. I'd do the same thing.

Officerpat You're welcome. I was reading some of these people saying the crap about dont "beat" your kid. Spanking a child and BEATING a child are two completely different things. I'm loosing my faith in the generation I'm in and those to come.

Kickinchicken213 3

Your kids a jerk. If you didn't know that already. But hey, YDI also for embarrassing him like that. I don;t think I would acknowledge you, either.

Yeah, that kid's grounded for like a year. Make him live in the back yard in a tent if he doesn't want a mother who loves him.

Wow what a little ********, you better give him what he deserves.

lulu12step 0

man, i wish my parents had cheered me on at my sports games & such when i was younger... like everyone else said, he's just trying to be cool, one day he'll have kids of his own and he'll have to deal with the same shit...

Trix_Disorder 20

That's too bad he's not confident enough to say "That's my mother, she's a bit crazy." or something less horrible.