By harvdog - 02/10/2010 19:43 - United States

Today, I went to Seattle with my mom to visit my pregnant sister, only to end up being dragged to a store to buy maternity clothes. The saleswoman apologized to me repeatedly for not having a lounge for the fathers, but congratulated me on the baby. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 063
You deserved it 5 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oogie_boggie 0

You then should have said you were her sister. I cant imagine the employees face

seattle is a very gay friendly city. She could have figured u to were a gay couple and thought u didnt want to shop with her


Master_Of_Sand 0

YDI for having a hairy chest.

Fyl for being born in the wrong body :P hang in there

When did OP say they were in the wrong body??

JillianlikesVogu 0

Perhaps you should make an attempt to look femine.

hiphop_danca94 2

thats depressing... try some makeup? and a decent haircut/wax? maybe?

denvan 0

hahaha that totally made me laugh. Maybe dress girly and show your tatas.

hiphop_danca94 2

haha unless she was mistaken for a fat crossdresser

denvan 0

If that was the case she's out of luck

hiphop_danca94 2
Igor_g5 0

Maybe you should try looking a little more feminine.

theycallmeMimi 0

Not every female who doesn't wear make-up is ugly. Also, I think you need to rethink who's the "ugly bitch" in this situation. It's the inside that counts in the end, isn't it? So STFU.

sduhamel 0

totally agree. and its WEAR NOT WHERE loser

Did you speak up for yourself at all? I am thinking you didn't or she would not have said it "repeatedly". If you like how you look, her opinion doesn't matter but YDI for not saying something. If you don't like how you look, YDI for not changing your style.

Noyes654 0

maybe she thought you two looked like lesbians together?

YDI for going to Seattle (bunch of stuck-up hippies there), for engaging in commerce of any kind, for having a knocked-up sister, for having a sister at all, for looking like a man with those massive shoulders and thick mustache, and especially for having a mother.