By dcait_1196 - 16/10/2010 13:14 - France

Today, I went to see Jackass 3 in 3D. While the previews were playing, some guy sitting next to me leaned over and began telling me what happens in every scene, completely ruining the movie for me. He tried to get my number afterwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 189
You deserved it 4 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments


How do you ruin a jackass movie? Is there a story line?

Give him the suicide hotline. Ehhh, maybe not. Just be an ass.


There's nothing to ruin from the beggining because there's no storyline!

You can always give him the Rejection hotline number

slap his face, and make him pay for the ticket! jerk

Its a jackass movie its all been done 1000 times, your an idiot