By fecurtis - 23/01/2009 08:36 - United States

Today, I went to Target to buy some soap and this 65-70 year old woman next to me was asking a sales associate if they had any bubble bath mix. I suddenly pictured her naked, bathing herself and suddenly my dick just couldn't sit still. It's probably because I haven't had sex in over 22 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 630
You deserved it 13 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow.... that really did just go from MILF to GILF... lol.

Yeah dude. Wait til you hit three years and the holes in the middle of CDs make you start wishing your dick was smaller.


afallingstar 22

dude WTF that's kinda weird that old lasts in bubble baths tern u on that's sick and if u get layed then it would be different

hellokittywhore 0

What....The ****? O_O Grannys Gone Wild Videos? OH GOD BAD IMAGES!!!!!! >_< get out of my mindd!!!!!!!!!!!!

jussjess 0

Whoa. Haha. Can you say desperate much? Lol. Well, hey, atleast it was a woman, yeah? :)

WTF is this.. the opposite of a pedophile? a odepphile I suppose

jokerman7734 0

then ur gay.......or married

iamsam2 3

22 months 2 weeks 3 days 4 hours 10 minutes and 17 seconds