By drfeelgood93 - 04/08/2010 22:14 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to the cinema with a girl I like. Knowing she has a bit of a soft spot for me, I was keen to sit in the back row. Too bad her sister tagged along, insisted that we sit somewhere else, and scolded me every time I so much looked at her. I ended up paying for the unwanted guest as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 884
You deserved it 5 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

Why'd you pay for her, I understand paying for someone that you invited to the movies with you, but you sure didn't invite her, so you should have told to **** off, and the girl you like is dumb as well for A. letting her sister come along B. Expecting you to pay for her AND the sister C. not realizing that the invite could've turned into a nice date.

lol... :L you should of told her to **** off :D


RockstarChickxD 1

Maybe the sister likes you. Haha 

MeGustaComer 0

There's nothing wrong with telling your crush's sister to back off. Rude girl. d:

randomviolet 0
Xx_jESSii 3

Lol I think you'll live maybe you'll get brownie points for dealing with her sis, mmmm brownies :)

nicholasBrandon 0
thatonedame 6

beingnice to the sister is always a good way to get on a girls good side. even if she's a 3rd wheel now and again.

marine10_fml 0

at least she likes you, be happy she has a soft spot for you, I don't pick up girls easily.

start with low-weight, high-rep to increase your muscular endurance at first. After about 4 weeks, switch to high-weight, low-rep to increase your strength. Cycle back and forth a few times until you can lift at least what an average girl you wish to pick up weighs. Always glad to help!

as long as you didn't complain a lot afterwards, i bet she thought it was really sweet that you payed for/endured her sister coming along.

MoJoThundRpants 0
crusher666 0

i know exactly how that is. my ex used to do that to me all the time.