By Anonymous - 18/05/2011 04:38 - Australia

Today, I went to the doctor for a sore throat. The doctor wasn't wearing any shoes. He said that he doesn't believe in pharmaceuticals and that it's 'all about vitamins', and he gave me a flyer for a vitamin mail order company. Then he showed me photos of his holidays. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 782
You deserved it 4 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Did he drive up in a fried-out combie? From the hippie trail, head full of zombie? He's probably right about the vitamins -- it's good to see there are some doctors out there who are not in the pocket of Big Pharma . . . or, for that matter, Big Shoe ;)


How come nobody has called bulshit on this yet? This is obviously NOT true.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

I once went to the doctor because of horrible abdominal pains. My doctor told me to find God instead. A few years later it turned out I had appendicitis. They didn't even know, they just removed my appendix because I didn't need it anyway, so I had nothing to lose. Mannnn. My doctors suck ASS :c

Time for you to get a new, better doctor, OP.

Just curious, did your doctor enter the room with a "HIIIII EVERYBODY!" In a silly accent? and we're you in a town where everyone had yellow skin and was in 2D?