By FAIL - 08/09/2009 05:29 - United States
Top comments
lol duuuuuude. that sucks. wuddya do? why's your fml in "kids"?
that woman should be publicly executed.
if my wife ever hit me in the sac on purpose she would be tripping down some stairs or out a window
I don't know what to click on this one. If you cheated on her... damn, YDI. If not, it's probably a FML
hitting anything with a bat will do damage using the "apparently" just makes you look dumber than you already are
i'm sure you deserved it for her to act this way, asshole
lol no kiddies for you sonny ; )
Press charges and get her into deep shit. Last time I checked that was called assault.
Well..... There goes your sperm count....
Actually, I wore a cup for two weeks after I broke up with a particularly possessive and/or insane girl, which really helped when she showed up at my house and tried to punch me in the balls as I answered the door. I just laughed an evil laugh...then she bombed an uppercut on my chin and I bit part of my tongue off. :/ Still, better tongue than balls by a factor of like a billion.
... So did she get a single or double?
You know these FMLs doesnt have too be posted the same day it happens its just a rule that they have too start with Today and end with FML, It might have happened too him the same day or 5years ago, and he only discovered the site now. Had a funny story and posted it. Stop being an ignorant bastard and get ****** in the ear. Oh and FYL OP, That really sucks.