By FAIL - 08/09/2009 05:29 - United States

Today, I went to the emergency room. Apparently, when your ex-girlfriend hits you in the nuts with a bat, it can do some damage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 568
You deserved it 79

Top comments

SuperMeme 0

... So did she get a single or double?

You know these FMLs doesnt have too be posted the same day it happens its just a rule that they have too start with Today and end with FML, It might have happened too him the same day or 5years ago, and he only discovered the site now. Had a funny story and posted it. Stop being an ignorant bastard and get ****** in the ear. Oh and FYL OP, That really sucks.


fxdxhk90 0

Dude press charges, there is no excuse for what she did. Unfortunately this is what happens when society permits women to hit men, and then they are not allowed to retaliate.

furry_fml 6

Was it a metal, or wooden, either way that sucks for you.

"...That-that-that- that that don't kill me Can only make me stronger I need you to hurry up now Cause i can't wait much longer I know i got to be right now Cause i cant get much stronger..." Hmmm... using this logic, you should be somewhere in between as strong as superman or a nazi hulk on steroids

vvvalori 0

Imma let you finish, but WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU QUOTE THAT DOUCHE???!?

I clicked both FYL and YDI for this one. You must've done something pretty horrible for her to 'bat' you in your balls. But FYL cause that shit hurts! (I've heard... I wouldn't know myself)

youthink_fml 0

yeah, because it's always somehow the guy's fault.

Why do people always say that?? If a woman wouldnt do something out of the blue, why would a man? you need to grow up

t_mac_13 0

I think that "youthink" was being sarcastic.

whyowhy26 3

you mean it doesnt hurt when someone else does it?

youthink_fml 0

maybe she's just a psycho bitch and he did nothing.

what did u do to her to make her hit u in the balls with a bat?

myhairynutsack 0

It would be FHL when I got out of the hospital.

YDI Because if she hit you in the balls , u must deserve it , really.

That1FmlReader 0

What if he was trying to break up with her easily, I mean what if you tried to break up with a person easily and the next day the person comes to your door, and you open it. Then the person hits you in the face or private area with a bat. Would you deserve it?

I hate how inconsiderate girls can be. Taking advantage of phyiscal differences much? How would you like it if i went and laughed at how girls get disgusting painful periods every month? Or laugh at your having to wear a bra?

Bahaha please, if my boyfriend laughed at my wearing a bra, I'd hit him in the balls. If he laughed while I was on my period, I'd still hit him in the balls. You can't win. Either way, it's going to hurt you more. OP: You probably deserved it.

I actually agree with #49. It's not cool to hit a guy in the balls over something trivial--and I'm assuming that's the case here since it's an ex-girlfriend, but I could be wrong. Even if he did deserve getting hit in the balls for whatever reason (and I'm sure that he didn't), did he deserve to get hit with a BAT? Sorry, that's assault. #50, really? You're making sensible girls look bad. If you made fun of your boyfriend for whatever reason and he punched you in the face, you'd likely call the police on him. Why is it so trivial when girls hit guys but a huge deal when guys hit girls? It's annoying, really.

ledzepfan 0

i agree with 52 on this. I would like to say though, nothing he could have done really warrants that kind of action. unless he did something physical to her, she had no right to do that to him. ROTFLMAO @ category being kids, guess it's another clue as to the extent of the problem. also, YDI for allowing a woman get the better of you like that; if you can't stop a woman from hitting you with a bat, you deserve it

I think 50 has a point in that those examples are terrible comparisons. Getting laughed at will never compare to getting struck, no matter who you are or your gender. I don't think a girl could be hit in such a way that it would compare to ball-smacking, anyway. There are other possibilities, but as far as striking is concerned... But that was the only point 50 had. Hit a guy in the balls for him being a jerk about your period... oh yeah, totally logical.