By Anonymous - 01/08/2009 12:56 - United States

Today, I went to the mall and saw a really cute guy. I acted all cool and started doing a sexy hair flip. On the way back up from my hair flip I hit my head on a cellphone stand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 068
You deserved it 58 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, if you need to do a hair flip to be sexy, your not sexy.



you deserve it. on the bright side, i bet he noticed you!

arienh4 0

You know, it isn't necessarily true that every very hot guy is only looking for very hot girls. You're really exaggerating.

mooreon131 0

What kind of a fetish would a hair flip fetish be? someone might think its attractive, but, i'd hardly call it a fetish, let alone a fetish that you would/could find sites for on the internet. Secondly, how can you work hard to improve your face? do you bust your face in with a bat, and keep resetting it until it turns out right?

I doubt anything got damaged when you hit your head, considering there's probably very little to damage

annamg 0

How is it sexy to fling your head around...?

if you are trying to attract a guy, just showing off isn't going to help us. you can come to us, we don't bite unless you want us to and we are into that sort of thing.

hellobananas 0

So, you tried to look hot by flinging your head around wildly in public? You were acting cool, then randomly swung your head around? And from the way I understood hair flips, you don't swing around moronically and hit phone stands. Seriously, just talk to him! And learn that just trying to get a guy by being sexy is a FAIL. You get him and the relationship fails, or you don't and still fail.

haha, i laughed my ass off picturing that. seriously, how stupid can you be?

Retards = hot Injured retards = even hotter