By Anonymous - 01/08/2009 12:56 - United States

Today, I went to the mall and saw a really cute guy. I acted all cool and started doing a sexy hair flip. On the way back up from my hair flip I hit my head on a cellphone stand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 068
You deserved it 58 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, if you need to do a hair flip to be sexy, your not sexy.



I don't know a single guy who thinks the hair flip is sexy or flirtatious. It's a myth handed down from mother to mother over generations.

it's only sexy when the epilepsy is authentic.

alex_vik 0

Hair flip? That isn't sexy, it just looks stupid.

"Sexy" hair flips only work in the movies. In the real world you have to actually go up to the guy and tell him "Look I wanna get to know you." And if you're a **** tell him you want to know him in the Biblical sense. Aside from that, can the twelve-year-olds of the world stop trying to be sexy and concentrate and learning their multiplication tables? Jeebus.

oh_dee 0

have you noticed that the "sexy hair flip" really never looks cool? it just makes you look kind of stupid, and most times you end up hitting your head on something, like you did :P


"Sexy hair flips" only look good in the movies in slow motion. It looks stupid in real life. YDI for trying to show off, and YDI even more for trying to show off with a "sexy hair flip".

deaditegirl 0

YDI for "acting all cool" and thinking that a "sexy hair flip" actually looks anything but retarded in real life.

ImFree17 0

I love how everyones comment says about the same thing. Personally,, I'm too shy to go up to a guy and be like "Hey,, I think you're cute can I have your number?" So,, I don't really expect a guy to walk up to me and talk to me. To the OP: I want to know if this "sexy hair flip" thing has ever worked for you. If it has: keep on. If it hasn't: maybe you should stop. That would be the logical thing to do. If Jessica Alba was walking through the mall and did a "sexy hair flip" I am sure it would work even if she hit her head on the AT&T stand.

isaysummer 0

Jessica Alba would just need to walk through the mall. No hair flipping needed.

ImFree17 0

Haha very true. But I'm saying she could still look like a retard like the OP and she would still get the guy..

quackquackquac 0

what? I though hair flips was flipping hair with your hands? Not your whole body...