By Anonymous - 01/08/2009 12:56 - United States

Today, I went to the mall and saw a really cute guy. I acted all cool and started doing a sexy hair flip. On the way back up from my hair flip I hit my head on a cellphone stand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 068
You deserved it 58 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, if you need to do a hair flip to be sexy, your not sexy.



hang on hang on.... OP you mean you... actually... bent OVER to do your "sexy hair flip"?? such that you actually... banged your head on something??? bending over to "flip" your hair is sexy? Do we live on the same planet?

nobeans6131 0

wait, guys find that sexy? wtf

LBUJenni_18 0

...Why would you bend your whole body? 0_o Isn't that what people do when they want to tie their hair or something, flip their hair over, lmao. I think you were trying to do the hair flip when you get your hand and flip it back. :D

17, he was saying "anything from hair flips to fetishes". But you're right overall.

a motion where you bend at the waist so low that you don't see a sign on the way up does not constitute as a "sexy hair flip".

By the way, you SUCK, OP. You're one of the girls that tries to get guys by looking like an immature airhead who wants to be only noticed as a sex object. On top of that, you're more than likely going to be on here in about 6 months annoying us with, "Today, my bf (did something inconsiderate/cheated on me/didn't appreciate me aside from sex). FML." YDI.

YDI for being a dumb bitch. If you want to flirt, walk over to him and ask him if he's single, dumbass.