By bruised - 13/03/2013 21:06 - Canada - Fredericton

Today, I went to the movies with my boyfriend. The movie was in 3D, and he couldn't help but notice it would be much cooler if you could feel what the characters did. He spent the next two hours slapping me every time the person in the movie did, claiming the movie would be "better". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 060
You deserved it 6 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Catch him watching **** and go up and slap his dick as hard as you can and say you were "trying to make it better"


physical abuse, coming to a jail cell near you!

“the future is here! pain vision!" apple 2014

This HD 3D thing is getting ridiculous.

Looks like you were watching the Chris brown documentary

YDI, OP, for letting him do it for two hours.

in some places they have chairs that spray you with water or tickle you because it is in the movie. It's called 4D I think.

Fart in his face, call it smellavision.