By Bob - 22/11/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I went to the orthodontist. The lady took a break and went to use the restroom. Apparently she didn't bother to take her gloves off, and they smelled like straight up pee. She had her hands in my mouth for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 588
You deserved it 8 473

Same thing different taste


saIty 17

What the hell? Did she somehow totally miss the toilet and pee her gloves?

Sarah_moustache 9

Or she wiped herself like a normal woman.

Hmm, I don't get pee on my fingers when I wipe myself...

I'm just guessing here but, I assume if she wiped herself "like a normal woman" she wouldn't end up with per on her hands. Perhaps it is you who should learn a new technique on vaginal wiping.

MwahFMLS 6

Maybe she used her gloves as toilet paper?

BlackBelt4Me 7

And you didn't say anything...???? YDI

Although harsh I agree. When at the orthodontist if I was uncomfortable in any way all I had to do was make some sort of noise. How could you just sit there?

Although harsh I agree. When at the orthodontist if I was uncomfortable in any way all I had to do was make some sort of noise. How could you just sit there?

If you noticed she didn't put new gloves on and it smelled like pee you should have said something. And then you should have left.

Well he can't very well leave while half of his braces are off..

perdix 29

That's the price you sometimes pay to get boobs in your face for an hour. Did you enjoy the boner?

joee182 3

straight up smelled like pee haha like how they threw it in there like that haha