By Bob - 22/11/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I went to the orthodontist. The lady took a break and went to use the restroom. Apparently she didn't bother to take her gloves off, and they smelled like straight up pee. She had her hands in my mouth for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 590
You deserved it 8 474

Same thing different taste


Froggirl14 0

I had one too today. Mine yelled at me for not wearing my Spacers right. When I wore them how she said

Amazing story. Tell it again? Somewhere else?

mikeeg 0

Double comment. Do it again? Never?

Froggirl14 0

I'm just saying that orthodontist people can suck.

The hell? I would've said something right away. Not only is that disgusting, I'm pretty sure you can get diseases from that shit.

Im pretty sure he said it was pee.. not shit! :)

Diseases can still be passed. Ick. Get tested and send them the bill ;). And next time, speak up.

TheDrifter 23

Pee is only sterile if her chlamydia meds were effective. It can pick up all sorts of diseases as it passes by.

Correction: pee is sterile while it's inside the bladder. When it goes through the urethra it mixes with bacteria in there and outside the body. Stop talking crap and spreading myths, Naopudding.

IThinkItsAlright 7

As Cleveland Brown would say, "That's Nasty."

Considering how her hands were in your mouth for over an hour after that, I'll assume you didn't say anything. Which, by default, makes it your fault for the discomfort you were in. That's disgusting and unsanitary, she should've known better, but you should've also said something.

robc32ca 4

Doubt it. You would have stopped it not just sit there and take it.

Why did you not say something? You don't deserve it, but you should have spoken up.

kimmiekimmiekong 0

you know you have the right to ask the doc/dentist or any person in the health field to wash their hands if they don't do so when they enter the room.... so ya u should of told them to was their hands and put on new gloves!!

You deserve it for not saying anything to her