By Bob - 22/11/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I went to the orthodontist. The lady took a break and went to use the restroom. Apparently she didn't bother to take her gloves off, and they smelled like straight up pee. She had her hands in my mouth for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 588
You deserved it 8 473

Same thing different taste


pie29302930 0

Sue their asses and get rich bro.

YDI Bob! Your mouth was already open so you could, and should, have spoken up. That is why nobody will ever call you Robert. By the way, her hands being in your mouth for over an hour is irrelevant. The "straight up pee" would have been licked off by you within the first 5 minutes. YDI x 2!

douchydouchebag 5

YDI. Should've said something or smacked her hand away. Instead you sat there and enjoyed the taste and smell of pee.

LOL . * straight up pee ? hahahahaah , your hilar .

'don't you just hate when you pee all over your hands?'

You have the right as a patient to ask any practitioner whether medical or dental to wash thier hands before any procedure

Why the **** wouldn't you say something!?!